
  1. Register for FREE and get your US Shipping address.
  2. Shop at any US online store and ship with your address!
  3. Email the purchase/merchant invoice to
  4. We will notify you when we receive your parcels at our warehouse.
  5. Select all the parcels and consolidate them for shipment.
  6. Make payment for your shipping invoice.
  7. Receive your shipment at your doorstep

No import permit? Customs issues? No problem. Ship door-to-door with our DDP service for hassle-free delivery at your doorstep. 


  1. Register for FREE and get your US Shipping address.
  2. ⁠Submit your order request form to us.
  3. You will get a quote for your order request from us.
  4. Make payment for your order.
  5. We will shop for the items on your behalf.
  6. We will notify you when your order is received at our warehouse.
  7. Ship your orders home (Follow step 5-7 in MyMailbox).

No local USA credit card? Forwarder address issues? No problem. Unblock yourself with MyShopper. Shop from any store in the USA.