Luscious Lashes

For those who are “lashes disadvantaged” like yours truly, mascaras are God-sent. I personally think that the mascara inventor should be a saint in his or her own right. We may not have naturally long lovely lashes but we can always get some help in the form of our

Spring is finally here!

We are at the dawn of another new year……the Chinese one that is. As such, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Happy Chinese New Year. May this coming Tiger year bring you and your families much peace, joy, happiness and prosperity. Not

Simply Red

The Chinese New Year is about 3 weeks away and for some, the preparations have started even before the New Year’s champagne glasses online tadalafil, zithromax reviews. were kept away. One of my fondest memories from my childhood is shopping for new clothes for the upcoming festivities. I remember