
Dog Door Critters Learn-To-Sew Kit ($ 6.99)

Sew a Kitty Learn-To-Sew Kid’s Craft Kit ($ 8.99)


Butterfly and Flower Learn-To-Sew Kid’s Craft Kit ($ 8.99)

Bear and Heart Learn-To-Sew Kid’s Craft Kit ($ 8.99)

Most kids love getting their hands and imagination busy with arts and crafts. Instead of your usual paper and crayons, why not do something different for a change to help nurture your child’s creativity. With Quincrafts Dog Door Critters Learn-To-Sew Kit, am sure that it will keep your kids busy for quite a while. This beginner learn-how-to-sew kit is ideal for those aged 6 and above as it comes with pre-cut holes to help little hands sew. At, it is going for $ 6.99 and each kit has:

* A� A�Pre-cut dog and heart felt shapes

* A� A�Pink and Tastylia without prescription, generic lioresal. brown yarn

* A� A�Stuffing material

* A� A�Sequins for decorating

* A� A�Safe plastic needle

As charges a flat shipping rate of $ 2.95, enjoy greater savings by ordering more Learn to Sew Kits by Quincrafts. If your kids love kittens, am sure that they would love Quincrafts Sew a Kitty Learn-To-Sew Kid’s Craft Kit at $ 8.99. This kit includes all that is needed to sew a cute kitty and there are also sequins for decoration. Another fun-to-do Learn-To-Sew Kit is the Butterfly and Flower Learn-To-Sew Kid’s Craft Kit also priced at $ 8.99.

For those who adore bears, get Bear and Heart Learn-To-Sew Kid’s Craft Kit ($ 8.99) and the “beary” special bear and heart are suitable as presents for mums, dads or grandparents. These fun and cute craft kits will no doubt keep your kids entertained and parents get to keep these keepsakes to remember the happy times spent making them together.